The Chinese Farmer, Good Luck...Bad Luck

There once was a Chinese Farmer who had one son and one horse.
One day the horse ran away. The neighbors came and proclaimed, “Oh, this is bad luck!”
But the farmer said, “Good luck…Bad luck. Who can say?”
The next day the horse returned, along with five wild mares. The neighbors saw this and exclaimed, “Oh, this is good luck!”
The farmer said, “Good luck…Bad luck. Who can say?”
The next day the farmer’s son tried to break one of the wild mares. The mare threw him, he fell and broke his leg. The neighbors saw this and exclaimed, “Oh, this is bad luck!”
But the farmer said, “Good luck…Bad luck. Who can say?”
The next day the army came to the village and took all the able bodied men to war. Since the farmer’s son had a broken leg they left him at home. The neighbors saw this and exclaimed, “Oh, this is good luck!”
But the farmer said, “Good luck…Bad luck. Who can say?”
Everything is relative. In every gift there is a lesson. In every lesson there is a gift. Energy is neutral, its impact is determined by what we choose to do with it.
As we journey through the transitions that will follow the January 12th Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, remember do not fight against the current, let the changes occur then choose how to deal with the outcome. "Good luck...Bad luck. Who can say?"