New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Aquarius

This week there are a series of transformational events: Shrove Tuesday; Ash Wednesday; Valentine's Day and New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius.
Thursday at 1:05 PM (PST) the New Moon launches a dramatic and forward move into the new journey of our lives.
The New Moon coupled with a Solar Eclipse is a cosmic reset button in direct response to last August’s total solar eclipse at the end of Leo.
Since this New Moon is in the hermetic do your own thing sign of Aquarius it hasn't received the public notice and fanfare of the August total solar eclipse at the end of Leo.
Think back over your past six months. How have you come to peace with your truly unique you.
How has your understanding of yourself grown?
What have you embraced more fully?
What characteristics, activities, talents have you come to appreciate and allowed to come out?
While an Aquarius Moon tends to enhance the intellect, there is an extra boost from Mercury which is currently in Aquarius.
Information and data will come at you fast from new, unfamiliar, and challenging territory.
Expect startling insights; new, unexpected information, new perspectives, perhaps even a plot twist. And with this much intellectual energy you can expect flashes of brilliance.
The upheaval of the past eight years, some of it brought on by the Uranus Pluto square, plus Uranus’s residence in Aries, will shift beginning with this eclipse. Uranus is in the final degrees of Aries and will move into Taurus at 8:16 am (PST) on May 15th.
Relationship shifts that have been brewing will occur.
The expected will disappear.
The unexpected will occur.
Situations that have been stalled will suddenly breathe new life.
Dream big and hold on for the ride. With Jupiter in Scorpio squaring the New Moon it is likely to both noisy and expansive.
Powered by the New Moon/Solar Eclipse and Mercury there will be some initial intellectual confusion which will clear up when Mercury moves into Pisces, Saturday February 17 at 8:28 PM (PST).
Know that Aquarius will fuel your intuition, guidance and inner knowing. Rely on those senses when you need to know which direction to take.
Just know this New Moon/Solar Eclipse is taking you where you need to go.
Thursday's New Moon/Solar Eclipse is followed on Friday with Chinese Lunar New Year. The

Year of the Brown Earth Dog
2017, the Year of the Fire Rooster, was a year of searching for the truth of who you are, what
you do, what you want and whether you were doing what was needed.
This Year of the Brown Earth Dog will be a quieter year where loyalty, honesty and prudent action is rewarded.
It’s a time to be watchful and not take quick action. Be cautious with your money. Avoid too much worry since everything will turn out fine. This is the time to catch your breath.
Just know that you are heading toward a new future.