Now is the Time to Redefine!

July 2019 may be the most challenging month of 2019.
The month begins with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2nd, 12:16 pm (PDT), with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn opposing the Moon.
This is a Total North Node Eclipse which is about embracing the new. It is a time to DO, not a time to NOT DO. This creates a New Moon on steroids making the impact last longer and go deeper.
Eclipses and oppositions are a time of action.
Eclipses and oppositions create tension that requires release. The action you take is the relief from the tension.
The tension, action, release cycle will make July a challenge.
In addition, on July 9th Mercury in Cancer, conjunct Mars, will go retrograde moving into Leo before going direct again on July 31st. A planet is more active when retrograde (because it is at its closest to the Earth) so you can’t ignore its energy even if you try. This retrograde on top of the eclipse and the oppositions will redirect our energies to work harder at thinking and communicating.
Because Mercury is stationary, Mars takes over Mercury. Normally we think (Mercury) before we act (Mars). But during this period we will be prone to act (Mars) before we think (Mercury).s him over.
If we normally think (Mercury) before we act (Mars), this time around, we will act (Mars) before we think (Mercury). This act before thinking will continue until September 3rd.
We are still in the period of Neptune retrograde which began June 21st . By adding the Mercury retrograde which begins July 9th you will find your thoughts and communication less clears. It helps to write your ideas down before sharing them, since the act of writing will help identify where you are not clear.
Another accent to this period is Chiron in Aries going retrograde on July 8th at 4:40 pm (PDT). Chiron is the Wounded Healer that helps identify our wounds so that we can bring them out to heal. With Chiron in Aries we will all feel some element of being broken. In order to heal we have to feel the pain to identify, clarify and heal.
When Chiron is direct we look outside for answers, but during this retrograde period we will seek our healing internally and this is the healing that lasts.
All of this activity is followed by a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 16th, 2:38 pm (PDT).

The New Moon in Leo on July 31st at 8:11 pm (PDT) will bring you a second wind as you move into the self-love energy of August.
July is a month of a lot of changes, a lot of upgrades. It will be a month of a lot of emotions which can overturn the apple cart, or clean out the closet.
This month will be a sustained period of evolution, healing reassessment and reevaluation.
Dust off your old priorities. It is time to drop the pretense and get serious about what is really important to you. What is your passion? What is your true desire?
And while you’re at it, who are you really? Are you living as the person you are, the person you believe yourself to be?
This month will not only force these decisions upon you, it will demand you answer the questions.
Knowing what is coming won’t prevent the surprises but it will provide conscious awareness.
Awareness is the key to resolving what presents itself to you, and for healing the wounds that surface.
Use this month as your personal transformational month so you can travel the Manifesting portion of the year as the New You. The person you wanted to become as this year began.
Heal your wounds. Release your pain. Represent yourself each day as the most authentic expression of your true self.
Bring your true gifts into the world.
Happy July.